Sign up for access to your policy infomation
With the Insured Portal, you are able to create and maintain your own username and password. After logging in, you will be able to:
1. View two years of policy declaration pages and billing notices.
2. Find contact information for your agent.
3. Pay your premium.
Here is a link to a short video on how to set up your access to the Insured Portal: Insured Portal Demonstration
Here is the link to get started: Create My Portal
Frequently Asked Questions
The Iowa FAIR Plan Association was created by the insurance industry and the State of Iowa to provide coverage for properties that do not qualify for insurance in the standard insurance market.
Your insurance policy was not written through the Iowa FAIR Plan Association. When you receive a Non-renewal or a Notice of Cancellation, contact your agent or contact the company for information about why and how you can have the policy continued.
Insurance companies writing property insurance in Iowa are required to put contact information about the Iowa FAIR Plan Association on all Notices of Cancellation.
Not necessarily. It depends on the reason for the cancellation. If you are being canceled for nonpayment of premium you may be able to have your policy reinstated by making a premium payment within the grace period. If you are being canceled for other reasons you may be able to get the policy reinstated. Ask your agent if similar coverage is available with another company.
The Iowa FAIR Plan Association (Plan) should be considered a last resort when seeking property insurance coverage. The Plan’s policies provide basic Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Hail coverage which is generally less coverage than most standard market companies.
It is impossible to compare premiums between what you have had in the past and what the Plan can offer without a complete quote. Contact a licensed insurance agent and have them help you through the application process so we can provide you with an accurate quote.
Ask your agent to review the Iowa FAIR Association's website or contact the Plan for help with preliminary eligibility and providing a premium quote. Agents are required by Iowa law to assist you with your Iowa FAIR Plan application.
Any agent licensed to write property and casualty insurance in Iowa can help you get coverage with the Iowa FAIR Plan.
All Iowa licensed property and casualty insurance agents are required by Iowa law to assist you with your application with the Iowa FAIR Plan.
A FAIR (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements) Plan policy is a type of insurance policy that provides coverage for high-risk properties or areas that are difficult to insure through traditional insurance companies. Forced placement, on the other hand, is a process where a lender may purchase insurance on behalf of a borrower who has failed to obtain adequate insurance coverage for their property.
While forced placement may provide immediate coverage, it is typically more expensive than a FAIR Plan policy and may not provide the same level of coverage or protection. Additionally, forced placement insurance may not be tailored to the specific needs of the property or the borrower. Often the property owners equity in the property is not insured.
In contrast, a FAIR Plan policy is designed to provide coverage for high-risk properties or areas and is typically priced competitively with other insurance options. FAIR Plan policies may also offer more comprehensive coverage and may be tailored to meet the specific needs of the property or the borrower.
Ultimately, the decision to purchase a FAIR Plan policy or use forced placement will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific needs of the property or borrower, the availability of insurance options, and the cost of coverage. It is important to carefully consider all options and consult with a licensed insurance professional before making a decision.
Have another question?

A deposit is required when you apply for insurance with IFPA. Once you are approved, payments can be made online via the IFPA website.