Dwelling Property Program

Eligible Dwellings and Personal Property

Policies may be issued for one to four-family dwellings, including single-family mobile homes, used exclusively for private residential purposes and located in Iowa. Applicants must have received a notice of rejection, non-renewal, or cancellation from an insurer within the past six months.

Properties are ineligible if one or more of the following conditions listed below are present but our goal is to provide needed coverage. We will work with you and the property owner to issue a policy whenever possible.

  • is vacant and/or unoccupied and/or in foreclosure. (Note: An exception may be made for property in rehabilitation or reconstruction.)
  • has physical conditions that have been declared unsafe by a local jurisdiction.
  • has grossly inadequate and/or defective heating, wiring, or plumbing and/or is in exceptionally poor physical condition and/or has exceptionally poor housekeeping.
  • has unsettled/unpaid claims from previous losses or has unresolved damages from previous losses.
  • has a wood-burning stove and the stove is “homemade” or, the property is a mobile home that has a wood-burning stove or the property has a garage/outbuilding with a wood-burning stove.
  • is a rental property with more than 65 percent vacancy and/or the property lacks a current rental certificate where required.
  • The property has been subject to more than two losses, each loss amounting to at least $500 or 1 percent of the insurance in force, whichever is greater, in the immediately preceding 12-month period, or more than three such losses in the immediately preceding 24 month period, provided that the cause of such losses is due to the conditions which are the responsibility of the owner named insured or due to the actions of any person defined as an insured under the policy.

Coverage Limits and Forms

  • The policy limit cannot exceed the actual cash value/market value of the dwelling and/or contents.
  • Effective 10/1/2023 the Plan will use the following forms:
    • Dwelling Property Program Application
    • Dwelling Property 1 Basic Form DP 00 01 07 14
    • Limited Fungi, Wet or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage DP 04 22 07 14
    • Additional Insured DP 04 41 12 02
    • Other Structures Exclusion IFPA 01 28 05 23
    • Other Coverages - Debris Removal IFPA 01 29 05 23
    • Cosmetic Damage Exclusion IFPA 01 30 05 23
    • Collectibles Exclusion IFPA 01 31 05 23
    • Welcome Letter IFPA WL 05 23
    • Privacy Notice IFPA PN 05 23
    • Quick Reference IFPA QR 05 23

Fire Protection Class

The Plan uses the following criteria to determine the fire protection class.

  • Protection Class 1-8: Inside city limits of protected city/town.
  • Protection Class 9: Outside city limits of protected city/town but with hydrant within 1000 feet.
  • Protection Class 10: Outside city limits of protected city/town with no hydrant within 1000 feet.

Property inspectors will provide information about the location of the property with regard to city limits, distance from hydrants, and any other pertinent information. The Plan will make the final determination as to what fire protection class will be used.

Deductible Options

The basic deductible for all perils is $500, and $1000 is available.

Deficiency Charges

An additional charge may be added to the premium if deficiencies are discovered during an inspection of the property. Deficiency charges may be an additional $1.00 – $3.00 per $1000 of dwelling and contents coverage depending on the inspection report. Such charges are usually the result of:

  • Poor housekeeping, e.g., debris on the property or throughout the dwelling.
  • Excessive deferred maintenance, e.g., peeling paint, curled shingles, overgrown trees, and shrubs.
  • The poor physical condition of the property, e.g., leaking roofs, sagging support, and missing siding.

Binding Authority

Producers do not have the authority to issue binders. The Plan does not issue binders.

Requests For Coverage

  • To request coverage, a properly completed, legible, and signed application must be submitted.
  • Applications submitted must be on forms designated by the Plan. All questions must be answered and the applicant must sign the form.
  • The correct premium must also be submitted with the application.
  • Quotes can be requested by noting that an application is being submitted for the purpose of obtaining a quote, in which case no premium should be enclosed with an application.
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